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Wrong Homepage/E-Mail

Deutsche Version

They are wrong here? By my E-mail account I know that it seems not at all so rarely. I get approximately two to three times per week E-mails which are not at all for me. No problem! There are mainly two sources of error:

Most would gladly refer to the castle hotel Liebenstein. However, the castle hotel has the address, you pay attention on .COM instead of .DE in my address.

The others would like refer to the city Bad Liebenstein or to the FFW Liebenstein. Here it happens that one does a point instead of the hyphen. However, the web addresses and would be so-called Sub-Domains of my homepage. Certainly, this Sub-Domain is not covered, but E-mails to this address are delivered to me.

Please pay attention to these indications in future. Of course I will also answer in future all false-led E-mails with appropriate indications. Also I assure you that I treat all wrongly available E-mails with discretion.

Here a small list of possible other websites:

Many thanks

Juergen Liebenstein

Published 10/06/2002
Last update 09/08/2006
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