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Deutsche Version

Everything is negotiatable;-) and if the order is intresting or serves a good purpose, I will correct my fees downwards. However, with high demands higher fees are also possible. All prices get an addition of 16% tax in Germany and expenses. But I charge with order location in Munich and Landshut area usually no expenses.

Training and trainings from 09:00 to 17:00 450,00Euro / day
Consulting70,00Euro / hour
500,00Euro / day
Project orders with obligation exercise book 80,00Euro / hour
600,00Euro / day

With projects after obligation exercise book preparatory talks take place first. Then you get an offer for the production of an obligation exercise book (according to expenditure as a rule 1 to 3 days) and an approximate expense estimate. The obligation exercise book goes over after completion in your possession. Now on the bases of this obligation exercise book I can create to you a detailed offer. This offer encloses the number of days which are necessary for the production of the software as well as a day fee. Then the hours actually performed are deducted after this daily rate. If I need more days than estimate, this is my risk, it is about a highest vaklue, if I am faster it becomes cheaper. If wished we agree on a buffer of 10 to 20% around, so changes, which appear during the project, not must every time new calculated. If my offer does not accept to you, you can instruct with your obligation exercise book also another offerer. This method of approach has proved itself and is, I think, very fairly.

Published 12/06/2002
Last update 12/06/2002
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